City of Luxor

City of Luxor2
City of Luxor2
City of Luxor
City of Luxor
Luxor province, one of the provinces of southern Egypt
Luxor province, located between latitudes 36-25 north from 0.33 to 32 in the east, and away from the Egyptian capital, Cairo, about 670 km and Aswan about 220 km
National Day December 9 (on the occasion of the release of Alaqraralgmehory No. 378 for the year 2009 the establishment of Luxor governorate) It combines the past and present associated with the modern era at one time, there is no prejudice to the place in the shorter of the impact areas of the greatness of the ancient Egyptians thousands of years BC, contains the city of Luxor alone the effects of one-sixth of the world and one-third of Egypt's monuments

(A) the effects of the mainland east
Temple of Karnak, Luxor Temple, Mummification Museum, Luxor Museum, through the rams, which connects the two temples.

(B) the effects of land west:

Tombs and the Valley of the Kings - Cemeteries and Valley of the Queens - tombs of nobles - Ramesseum - a statue of Memnon - City Habu - Temple Hchpsot- Deir el-Medina - Monastery of Great Martyr Mary Gerges.

The effects of Esna:

Temple of Esna - Agency Jiddawi.

The effects of Armant City:

Montu Temple - Prince Youssef Kamal Palace.

Modern Landmarks:

New Corniche 1 km long.

Tourism market.

The tourist information center in front of the Luxor train station.

Egypt Public Library and Cultural Center "culturama" Hall of Knights and the sky.

Rowing overlooking the Nile in Luxor charming club.

Lighting Mount Qurna mainland west of the city of Luxor.

The Urban Center for Women to keep the traditional crafts.

House Nubian.

International youth hostel in Tod

Leadership Development Bataiwd Center.

New Qurna city.

New Luxor Culture Palace equipped with the latest audio and cinema and theater Thatheh dimensional systems.

Indoor Hall in New Thebes.

Olympic swimming pool area Awwamiyya.

The village of Hassan Fathy.

For it was on Egypt to reconsider its old position by making them one of the most governorates of Egypt in economic terms.

About Luxor

Area: 2959.6 km2 area Almiholh 714.3 km 2

Population in 2012: 1300.000 people

And is considered one of the least polluted areas and reach higher temperatures in the summer to 41 degrees Celsius and less in winter temperature of 8.5 degrees Celsius

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