City of Tunis

City Tunis
City Tunis
Tunisia were not modern Arab origin It is a dominant city in the foot origins date back to the Berbers. Some historians have relied on data barbaric to establish evidence that the designation "Tinas" or "Tunisia" and that turned out to Tunisia after a slight change during Allobah civilization. The three roots T.n.s that we find in the names of other places North Africa
mean barbarism "break" and "camp" and "establish a camp," and in a manner more accurate "sleep" or "going to spend the night in" and which derived the idea of ​​"overnight accommodation" . Apparently it is much to this city to play an economic role and Astratgia important as representing the passage of trading caravans, which leads us to believe that the city was founded by the indigenous population. But do Tunisia was the oldest of Carthage?
Proved that the presence of Tunis back to the beginning of the fourth century BC. In fact shows us the Greek historian Didoralskulai (lived between 90 BC and 20 BC) that after the Carthaginian army defeat at the hands of Denis biggest Alsracose year 395 BC, seized two hundred thousand lobby Alemtemrodn against Carthaginian influence over Tunisia, which allows us to by saying that the first evidence dating back to the era in which the Punic Carthage was a large city.
And the name of this city is mentioned among the Greeks and Allatnean historians who mentioned the date of Carthage. It was occupied successively by:

Ogathokalas in 310 BC
Ricolius in 256 BC
Obiea of ​​Mato in 240 BC
Hibion ​​African in 203 BC
Hibion ​​Alimiola in 146 BC

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