Tripoli city in Lebanon

Tripoli city in Lebanon
Tripoli city in Lebanon
 The city of Tripoli, the capital, the second of the Lebanese Republic 'above the plain simple' wash the western limb of sea water (Figure 1) and Ttefio cast the foothills of the Cedar Mountains which are peaks with snow from the east 'and supervised by the north-east of Mount
Tripoli away from Beirut about 80 kilometers' as far from the Syrian border, about 40 kilometers. The proof in the Middle River (Abu Ali) flowing from ((fountain gardens)) Sacred Valley ((Kadisha)), which separates the Rbuta ((Abi Samra)) and south ((Dome of Victory)) in the north.
Rooted deep in history, and up to three thousand and five hundred years, which was founded by the Phoenicians BC by about one thousand five hundred years, and successively by the UN and the reigns of the Phoenicians until the French mandate, through the Romans, the Byzantines, Franks, and Mamluks, and Ottomans.
Tripoli, the city is the first wealth of heritage on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the second effects Mamluk Cairo Abdul, and represents a living museum combines Romania and Byzantine monuments (image 6), and the effects of the Fatimid and Crusader, Mamluk and Ottoman architecture.
It is an integrated city of their neighborhoods, and their markets, and its role, and alleys winding twisted and roofed, and features that extend from the south to the north towards kilo meters, and east to west toward kilometer and a half kilometer, includes among its shores more than 160 teachers between the castle, and a mosque, and the mosque, a school, and Khan, bath, and market, and for water, and the writings and inscriptions, Warnock, and other parameters aesthetic and artistic.
In the old market, one breathes the scent of history, and the spirit of the Middle Itensm, and watch industries and local crafts roots derived from time-free, and taste the delicious foods and desserts, and various widgets buy the cheapest price.

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